Thursday, January 8, 2009

First of 2009!

Welcome to 2009!

It's a well known fact I don't update this blog as much as I should (or could, for that matter), but usually I update it when I've got something on my mind and I really don't feel like writing. However, I am writing (on paper, I mean), but I've just been copying down recipes and whatnot, so I thought I'd give my hands a break, and my digits a workout!

My life has become a bittersweet world - work at Niagara has gotten me down - there's only so much of old people that you can take; but my regular life has been a fast, sweet blur!

This Friday, I'm going to Cleveland to see RENT with my sister - starring Adam Pascal and Anthony Rapp (OMG. Can we just breathe for a minute here? They're totally gorge.). So super excited for that.

I'm hoping this new year will bring me a lot of luck. I'm not really shooting for any resolutions, I really don't keep up on anything, because I get so bored easily. Although, I am going to try and be more motivated... I really need to get started on my cookbooks, and I need to try and find a partner for that secret cupcake shop I've been wanting to open for ages. Any takers?

2008 was okay, but this year is going to be great.

I can just feel it.

1 comment:

How To Eat A Cupcake said...

If you ever have some extra pocket change, you can get a cheap KA mixer at

I got mine practically DIRT cheap!